Hi / Bonjour,
I tried your products last year on a business trip to Vancouver. You were at the Granville Market.
This year I will be coming to Vancouver August 28th to August 31st.
Your products are just GREAT ! Everyone that has tried them wants some. I’ll be coming with a wish list from family and friends and will want to purchase around 10 zip bags or more… in the salt selection and peppers.
I noticed you will not be at Granville during my stay but at the PNE. There seems to be a $ 20.00 entry fee (per person) to the PNE.
All I want is to have the opportunity to buy some of your great products – is there any possibility for me to go to your production facility – I’m ready to take an appointment if necessary to make it easier for everyone.
I thank you in advance and I’m looking forward in seeing you again this year.
Cheers !
Thank-You so much for your e-mail Christian
I will be at the PNE and also at Farmer market in Vancouver & Whistler .
you are more then welcome to visit our production facility under appointment in Marpole
South Vancouver week time will be better Than-you so much for your E-mail